Our mission is to advance scientific research that creates the most secure AI environments and optimizes the use of digital technology for public benefit. We aim to enhance people's lives through technologies with minimal costs.
Our plan is to establish a strong financial foundation through patented projects, allowing us to become a self-funded organization. This approach will ensure the sustainability of ongoing research and support our mission and goals.
Since the invention of credit cards 60 years ago, all prices of goods/services have implicit credit card transaction fees. Currently, these 3-5% merchant fees (average around 3.5%) are hidden in prices, even our food prices are no exception.
Our patented UCDC System will produce digital tokens, FreeCoin®, that can replace the credit card and provide the following benefits.
FreeCoin® can save retailers around 3.5% of credit card service fees if they accept FreeCoin® for payment. Therefore, all the enrolled businesses will increase around 3.5% their net income. FYI, credit card Merchant Service Fees range from 3% to 5% fees by different card issuers and merchants.
Business leaders in each industry may choose FreeCoin for their loyalty programs’ reward. According to Harvard Business Review research, they will keep more core loyal customers and strengthen their leading position.
When consumers use FreeCoin® to buy goods and services, they only need to pay by cellphone through a digital wallet. It is secure, traceable, and convenient. More importantly, the Consumer Price Index will be lower in the long-run due to the savings from the businesses credit card fees.
When businesses choose FreeCoin® for their loyalty programs’ reward, the reward will not expire, and will not be devalued. Consumers can use it to buy anything not limited to the original programs.
The price of FreeCoin® in the USA will always be one USD. The public and private sale prices are at the same price. Please do not expect to profit from the price changes.
No (or the Lowest Possible) Transaction Fee:
We will use our highly intelligent wallet in the future. Depending on the costs involved, we will strive to provide no-cost transactions for consumers and no-cost or lowest-cost transactions for retailers.
Only members can purchase FreeCoin® and cash out FreeCoin® to USD. The purchase and cash-out process will be free of charge for consumers.
After FreeCoin® replaces credit card transactions, all merchants will not have to pay any merchant fees, long-term prices will fall, and consumers will benefit (average lifetime saving more than $100,000/person).
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